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"9 Secrets To a Total S.O.B Makeover for  Women"

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That makes a great headline, but how do you actually do that? 


I was looking at a photo of myself from 40 years ago and wondered where that beautiful girl went.  And yet, every person I showed it to said the exact same thing—“You are still beautiful.”   Of course, in a totally different way.


And certainly, I am aware of what the years bring you, and have tried everything possible to slow it down.  I try to eat right, although I admit to cheating every now and then, work out two hours every day and keep inventing new businesses and re-inventing myself.  Still I know my knees hurt, my feet are a mess and I’m not as limber as I once was.


But let’s get to the good things.  Age really is in your mind, not on your skin.  If you are strong in your mind and heart, you are strong as a person.  Keeping up with the present and understanding what the future might bring is certainly one way to stay fresh and up to date with current events and exciting new trends.


Purpose is very important when getting up every day and if you don’t have one, and simply let the day take its course, you’ll find that you have far less direction, more time spent on unimportant things and you’ll be pulled in every way you don’t want.  While a lot of people think it is wonderful to have no responsibility, freedom to do what they want when they want, and to just exist, there is proven data suggesting that without purpose and a plan, you become depressed, lethargic and accomplish nothing.


So here on my suggestions to stop the aging process

1.      Get up with a smile on your face knowing it will be an absolutely terrific day.

2.      Have at least one goal set for yourself.  It can be regarding family, a hobby, a part time job or a movie you want to see.

3.      Take 5 minutes to be thankful for everything you have and forget all the things you don’t have.

4.      Make at least one phone call to put sunshine into someone else’s life.

5.      Spend 30 minutes doing some form of physical exercise—whether it is yoga, tai-chi, aerobics, swimming or going for a walk.

6.      Read for 15 minutes on a subject that gives you great pleasure or is new information.

7.      Re-invent yourself today.  Try at least one new thing that you’ve never done before.


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"Gayle has nuggets of wisdom that are essential to living and leading a successful life.  Whether you're an S.O.B. or young at heart, you need a dose of what she has to offer.  Her tips will move you forward in reaching your goals.  Gayle is an inspiration to women everywhere."

 Debbie Bermont,

"You show women how you've dealt with all the crises in your life.  I also admire the assertiveness you've shown, but most of all, it exemplifies how your persistence over the years really pays off."

       Sara Baker,
Registered Nurse

"I always thought that changing my life was impossible, but you showed me how to change my thoughts and therefore move on to a better place.  I can't thank you enough for everything positive that has happened to me since then."

      Susan Brown,


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Copyright Gayle Carson
2957 Flamingo Drive
Miami Beach, Florida, USA 33140-3916
(305) 534-8846, Fax (305) 532-8826
[email protected]