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"9 Secrets To a Total S.O.B Makeover for  Women"

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Did you know that five minutes of negative thinking takes 24 hours to recover from?  Just think about all the people you’ve been hanging out with?  Do they sap your energy?  Do they make you tired just thinking about them and their problems?


I know there are some of you are exhausted at the end of the day just because of who you have come in contact with.  Not only that, we all experience 100 abrasive incidents a day—that’s 3000 a month.  It could be anything—red lights, someone using your car and not replacing the gas, going to the fridge and what you wanted is gone because someone else ate it. 


It doesn’t take much to put you in a “funky” mood so it’s important you put the right kind of events and people in your life on a continuous basis. 


Make up your mind right now that you’ll change the influences in your life so you can see through clearer, more positive lenses.  I know you can’t live in utopia, and nasty people and things will continue to walk in your path, but it really is true that what happens to you doesn’t determine your outlook on life.  Your attitude is determined by how you cope with what happens to you.  And how you’re able to cope is partly controlled by who and what you surround yourself with.


When you look in the mirror, who do you see?  A lively spunky old broad who kicks butt, or an old woman who no longer dances or wears purple?  More importantly, do you like the person you see?


SOB’s let negative people and events take only minor time and thought processes from them because they know the makeup time isn’t worth it.  When you surround yourself with folks who are motivating, enthusiastic and happy, you become the same way.  When you refuse to let negative events change your life, you can see them in proper perspective.


You need to stay away from negative elements so you can get up in the morning with a smile on your face and happiness in your heart.  Make your entire day a pleasurable one.  When you are true to yourself and what’s important to you, you will accomplish your deepest desires and be your happiest.


I know you believe life is what happens as you’re making other plans, and perhaps that’s true, but to a large degree you are the only one who controls that life.  You are in charge of what and who enters your life.  We can’t always choose our family, but we can choose our friends and the events we partake of. 


If you don’t like them, get rid of them.

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"Gayle has nuggets of wisdom that are essential to living and leading a successful life.  Whether you're an S.O.B. or young at heart, you need a dose of what she has to offer.  Her tips will move you forward in reaching your goals.  Gayle is an inspiration to women everywhere."

 Debbie Bermont,

"You show women how you've dealt with all the crises in your life.  I also admire the assertiveness you've shown, but most of all, it exemplifies how your persistence over the years really pays off."

       Sara Baker,
Registered Nurse

"I always thought that changing my life was impossible, but you showed me how to change my thoughts and therefore move on to a better place.  I can't thank you enough for everything positive that has happened to me since then."

      Susan Brown,


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Copyright Gayle Carson
2957 Flamingo Drive
Miami Beach, Florida, USA 33140-3916
(305) 534-8846, Fax (305) 532-8826
[email protected]