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                             SUPERCHARGING YOUR PERSONAL GROWTH


The more you know, the less you know.  I am sure that’s how you sometimes feel.  You must ask yourself the following question.  What do I need to get myself excited, enthused, optimistic and in a discovery mode? 


Maybe it’s some mini-vacations, starting a business, meeting different people, trying a new hobby, or taking some exotic, exquisite photographs.  An S.O.B. is not the kind of person who stays the same.  She is always looking for the new adventure or opportunity to turn her on.  It doesn’t matter what you choose to do.  It only matters that you continue to develop and learn.


Whether you discover your new world through books or the Internet, as long as you are finding new things that amaze you, you are growing.  You may need some direction to decide what is going to work for you, but think about a part-time business, a new skill or a hobby that you enjoy which you could turn into a profit making venture of some sort.


You may want to volunteer or apprentice yourself in a particular field.  You may be thinking that’s crazy at this point in your life, but I assure you, if you find the right thing, you will enjoy it more than ever.  


Listen to the news, read the headlines on the Internet, see a play, try a new kind of food, watch a sporting event.  All of these things will produce a reaction from you—good or bad, and out of it, you will develop new friendships and discover a liking for something brand new. One of the ways you remain interesting is to know a little bit about a lot of things. 


You’re only limited by your own imagination and thought processes.  It’s a wonderful bonus to have help in this by other people who will joint venture, mentor, advise and share, but anyone can do it if they believe hard enough.  If you are really stuck, then just open up the newspaper or community magazine and point!  What is it that appears?  Is it an event, an article about a specific individual, or are they talking about a particular area of the country.  Use this targeted area to make your next bold move.


Participate in activities that stretch you.  Go to places that are beyond where you’ve been before.  Continually make new friends and enjoy them for who they are, not what they might give you. 


You know what makes your day tick, so the S.O.B. question is “Where do I go from here?”  You must have goals, dreams and things you want to achieve in order to live an S.O.B. life.  There are certain things you must do on a daily basis to survive, thrive, grow and develop.  Those are the habits you do without even thinking.  But if you aren’t flexible, you will drive yourself nuts, so have a routine but not one that’s carved in stone.


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