Let's Get Moving



Dr. Gayle Carson
The Spunky Old Broad

The 3 Set DVD Includes
Weight Training
Body Bar

Buy the Full DVD set for $50


This DVD is 35 minute workout that shows you easy but
intense moves that will help strengthen and contour your
body. This is not extreme kick-boxing, and the moves taught here are primarily for your upper and lower body and will help condition your balance.



Weight Training
Weights are the easiest to begin working with and are available just about anywhere. They help build your bones and create greater density, allow you to increase the amount of weight you use and repetitions you do while developing much greater strength. This 35 minute DVD works on every part of your body and allows you to contour, shape and develop each muscle group in a slow progressive manner.



Body Bar
40 minutes of versatile movement using Body Bar which is a wonderful tool for balance and coordination. Available in a variety of weights, the Body Bar can be used in a standing or seated position. In this video, we feature only easy to do standing exercises that help you in balance and strength.





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