
Dr. Gayle Carson has written several books both in hard and soft cover -- as well as many E-books.

She has poured her heart and soul into these writing projects because she wants to make a big difference in the live of every woman over 50.

Gayle believes that, if people invest their time to read something, they should get a big pay off.

Here is sampling of just some of Gayle's publications:

Pink_WhiteHow to Be an S.O.B.—A Spunky Old Broad Who Kicks Butt


This book reflects Gayle's passion for women over 50 living the life they want. You get Gayle's S.O.B. tips that are guaranteed to send your life on an upward spiral of happiness, fulfillment and new adventures. It also tells how to be assertive, stop the aging process, build lasting relationships and control your pounds and inches. This book is a true winner and one you should definitely get.



Maroon_WhiteWinning Ways—How to Get To the Top and Stay There


This book was written a while ago, but it’s evergreen in its information. Basically a business book, it talks about setting goals with realistic timetables, the four personality styles, managing your time, how to negotiate to win and how you need to speak up to move up. Good sound advice that can make a difference for you in business and life.



Blue_WhiteBig Ideas for Your Business


#7 on Amazon’s Best Business Books, "Big Ideas" was written by a group of experts (including Gayle), who comment on the things they did to build their businesses and what tips and advice they offer to help you build yours. It went to #7 because of all the great ideas that are given and the knowledge of the people involved. Great perspectives from a variety of people.


Energize Your Life Program

There are 6 e-books that are part of this program. They can be bought individually or as a group. These publications cover Taking Control of Your Life, How to Keep From Feeling Overwhelmed, Balance and Productivity, Beating Stress, How to Achieve Rest and Relaxation, How to Make a Difference, How to Make an Impact and Develop a New You. This is a great series -- and fun too.

Being Fit and Fabulous After 50

This e-book really lays out a step by step plan for you to achieve health, fitness and wellness in an easy to understand process. Yes, you have to do the work, but it isn’t frightening or difficult and you will be so happy when you follow the steps. Well worth the reading.

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